Supporting water conservation!

There are so many reasons to love summer. The sunshine, warm weather, family vacations, trips to the water, and the delicious smell of grilling or cooking over an open fire, just to name a few. But just because your weekends are jam-packed with fun doesn’t mean you’re too busy to take of our most precious resources, including local water supplies.
When you wash your car at Tommy’s Express, you can rest assured that you’ll be getting a great value wash, saving precious time, and also using water responsibly. This is because each Tommy’s Express is fully stocked with high-efficiency water-saving equipment and is designed to dispose of used water in a responsible manner.
These systems include:
High-pressure spray
By using booster pumps and specialized nozzles we are able to greatly increase our water pressure, providing high-intensity and close cleaning while greatly reducing overall water consumption. Just listen to the noise of our blasters the next time you’re rolling through!
Water reclamation
Our water reclamation system allows us to reuse some water for certain wash functions. The system features large underground tanks to gravity filter suspended sediment, ozone treatments, and powerful cyclonic separators for final purification.
All in all, we can produce more than 100 gallons of usable water each minute, allowing us to perform the same cleaning while drawing in much less fresh or city water overall.
Custom high-performance wash products
From Presoak to Tire Shine, our wash products have been formulated to work well and work quickly at very precise dilution ratios. This means that we can still clean your car from top to bottom while using less water and running our conveyors faster. And we monitor those results as well as our overall system chemistry on a daily basis.
Sanitary sewers
When you wash your car in a driveway or parking lot your suds have to go somewhere, and usually that somewhere is a local storm drain that finds its way straight to a nearby river, lake, or pond. This water pollution can trigger deadly algae blooms that deoxygenate the water or directly poison local aquatic fish and insect life.
On the other hand, all the water used at Tommy’s Express is safely routed through a local sanitary sewer to a water treatment plant, where it can be purified.
The environmental difference between these two is so great that state and national agencies across the nation strongly recommend using professional car wash facilities over handwashing, even in non-drought conditions.
So, the next time your car needs a wash make the responsible choice and visit your local Tommy’s Express. A great wash, at a great price, in just three minutes—we’ll see you there!