Tommy’s Express teams up with Hand2Hand to fight food instability

Before the 2021-2022 school year, employees at the Tommy’s Express headquarters volunteered with Hand2Hand by packing lunches for students across West Michigan.
These lunch kits provide food for over 8,300 West Michigan students, but Hand2Hand operates differently than many food programs. The food is placed directly into the hands of the students who need it.
Over 105,000 kids in West Michigan receive free and reduced lunch at school five days a week. But what about the weekend? That’s where Hand2Hand comes in. Hand2Hand wants to eliminate that 68-hour weekend gap so that every kid can leave school for the weekend without worrying about where they will get their next meal.
Hand2Hand delivers nutritious food to students over the weekends and on extended school breaks by mobilizing churches, schools, individuals, and businesses to join together, providing hope and opportunity to thrive.
How does Hand2Hand operate?
A backpack of food is placed discreetly into a student’s locker for them to take home. To protect the students’ privacy, the volunteers who distribute the food never know the names of the kids they are helping, only which locker number to place the food in.
“Hand2Hand makes a difference in the lives of our students daily. Knowing their basic needs are being met gives them peace of mind.”
-An elementary teacher
Hand2Hand currently serves students ages 3-18 in 40 school districts and 256 schools across West Michigan.

Serving West Michigan Communities
As local community members, we wanted to focus our efforts right here in the communities we serve. Tommy’s Express team members were able to pack 3,000 lunch kits in a single day.
Many of our team members have young children and understand the importance of organizations like Hand2Hand that help children thrive. The enthusiasm and excitement from the team (as well as the competitive spirit of who can pack their group’s quota the fastest) was a highlight of the day. Everyone was thrilled to participate and to be a part of an organization that encourages these acts of service as part of the workday.
We strive to enrich lives, add value, and serve communities at Tommy’s Express. This makes partnering with an organization like Hand2Hand an easy choice. We are so grateful for organizations like Hand2Hand that saw a need and found a way to help kids.
“My favorite part of working with Hand2Hand was knowing that we were able to make a difference in the lives of over 3,000 students in our community. As someone who grew up receiving free lunches at school, I know the importance of organizations like these.”
– Tommy’s Express Employee
Want to get involved?
Help to eliminate childhood hunger in your community. There are several ways you can volunteer to help eliminate weekend hunger for children in West Michigan.
Visit for financial and volunteer support, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn by searching for @h2hfeedkids.