What is Tommy’s Express?

Tommy’s Express is growing fast, with new facilities breaking ground all the time! And all these new facilities mean that more and more people nationwide are getting the chance to meet us and try out a Tommy’s Express Car Wash for the very first time.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to visit your local Tommy’s Express yet, you might be wondering what the big deal is. What is Tommy’s Express anyway?
The ultimate express car wash experience
The average American car wash uses equipment that’s decades out of date, and it shows. You can probably picture one of those washes right now: a squat brick building rests on the street corner, the dimly-lit interior leading down to a slow-moving, rattling roller conveyor. Pipes hiss and pop and the brush hydraulics seem to groan as they tumble reluctantly to life…
This experience isn’t good enough for vehicle owners in 2019, and it’s not good enough for Tommy’s Express. Our wash design comes from a place of explosive innovation, rejecting good enough equipment and building design and replacing it with custom, state-of-the-art technology to engineer a car wash that’s faster, safer, and performs better than any other express car wash design, period.
Focused on community
Each Tommy’s Express is locally owned and operated, and we want to be a part of your community! Not only is your local Tommy’s Express a great place to work, but we make a huge effort to be an active partner in community events, fundraisers, and local outreach.
Environmentally sound
When it comes to the environmental impact of car washing, there are two points to consider:
- Total water consumption
- Safe water disposal
Not only do our car washes use significantly less water than the average bucket and hose wash in a driveway or parking lot, but we have sanitary sewers to safely route all our used water to the nearest treatment plant. This keeps soap, wax, and sealers out of storm drains, streams, and lakes so your local water bodies stay healthier.
Giving back
Clean water shouldn’t be taken for granted. Since our founding, Tommy’s Express has been committed to helping provide drinkable to those who need it most. This means that a portion of the proceeds from each carwash is forwarded to the nonprofit organization Water Mission. This team provides sustainable clean water solutions for at-risk communities worldwide.
Let’s get acquainted
Want to give your local Tommy’s Express a try? Each of our new washes opens with great specials and free wash days leading up to the Grand Opening Celebration. And you can try any of our established washes with single-wash pricing or affordable TommyClub Unlimited memberships. Sign up using the Tommy’s Express App today!